Delux Beds and Bedding is a division of Delux Production OÜ, owned by Göran Valdemar Sjöholm, who has over 30 years of experience in the bedroom furniture industry.
Meie ettevõte spetsialiseerub premium-klassi kontinentaalvoodite, madratsite, öökappide, patjade ja tekkide disainimisele, arendamisele, tootmisele ja müügile. Alates 2017. aastast on Delux omandanud kaks mööblitehast ja toodab nüüd ka täispuidust mööblit Skandinaavia ja Saksamaa turgudele.
Delux operates production facilities in Finland and Estonia, with the main unit located in Viljandi, Estonia. This facility is the largest production site in the country, encompassing approximately 40,000 m² of production space and employing around 200 staff.
Our primary products include custom-made box spring beds, mattresses, nightstands, pillows, and quilts. All products are manufactured in our own production units.